FITS Scrubber performs basic post-processing steps on a FITS file. The original use case was to preview a single (raw & unstretched) sub before setting off an imaging plan.
Here are some submissions:
If you mean an offline or local version for say a Windows PC, the simple answer is no. This tool is web based and therefore platform agnostic.
FITS Scrubber does not clip any data and should be treated as just another tool in the bag. Take the quality TIF result into your favourite editor and perform additional editing to suit your requirements. I recommend not making your image "too black". It could be interpreted as concealing bad data or blemishes. Another thing to watch out for, is to ensure you only upload a linear (unstretched) FITS file. Otherwise, the result will effectively be a double stretch.
Sure, I am approachable and will do my best to respond. My email is [email protected].
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